Research can provide golden information to health & fitness professionals. If you’re a personal trainer, here are some recent findings to help you get ahead of the pack: Short Specific Warm-Ups “It was concluded that a short warm-up is as effective as a long warm-up for intermediate performance. Therefore, athletes can choose for themselves if…

If your goal is to lose weight fast and look like an actress, I have news for you: dramatic results do not occur overnight! If you want a serious transformation, it will take a serious amount of time and work. There’s no way you’ll completely reverse 30 years of a poor lifestyle in 30 days….

Q: Hey John Paul, Take a look at this photo of Jessica Biel. That’s how I want to look by January 1st. My husband and I are heading to the Caribbean on New Year’s Day for a well-needed vacation! I’ve had a couple of kids and with forty around the corner, I’m tired of looking…