Most gym rats are “pushers” not “pullers”, and most do too much “horizontal” pushing and not enough “vertical” pushing. If you’re able to press 100-pound dumbbells lying flat on your back, then you should be able to press 70-pound dumbbells overhead for the same number of reps. And for every pushing pattern you do, you…

Here’s an exercise you may not have seen before. It’s a seated one-arm thick-bar javelin press. I’m using an Apollon’s Axle in the video. I picked up the movement from Stephane Cazeault of KILO Strength Society. Stephane does it standing in a staggered stance, but if you don’t have enough height in your power cage,…

Here’s a way to decrease the stress on your shoulders during presses. Next time you’re in the gym, take a look at how people do presses. I bet most of them are using a pronated (palms forward) grip with their elbows flaring way out. That can put a lot of stress on the shoulders and…