Exercise is important for optimal health, but so much confusion exists on what type of exercise is best. For example, aerobic activity is crucial for weight loss, right? Sure, you’ll lose weight, but at what expense? If you do excessive aerobic work, rest assured that you will catabolize muscle tissue and keep in mind that…

You know the detrimental effects of technology do not only apply to humans. The same fate occurs when we domesticate animals – they get fat and they incur disease! According to Dr. Udo Erasmus, author of Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill, “terrestrial wild animals rarely have more than 5% body fat, except for bears…

Today we have more technology than ever. Moore’s Law states that technology doubles every 18 months. That means we know twice as much today as we did a year and a half ago. Well, that’s no longer true. Today technology seems to double every 18 minutes!1 With all this technology, how is it then that…