Growing up, all I ever wanted was the “biceps vein!” I wanted it even more than huge biceps. Of course, big biceps help to push that vein out and being lean is important as well – too much body fat will hide your vascularity. Bodybuilders use several tricks to bring out their vascularity during competition….

You’ll recall from a recent post that my benchmark for complete recovery from distal biceps surgery was the ability to do chin-ups. The first workout I did 1 set of 5 reps. I performed chin-ups twice a week and each workout I added 1 set. I stuck with just body weight throughout and kept plenty…

Before you read on, watch this video: Now, you may be asking yourself what the big deal is? A few chin-ups, so what? Well, those few chin-ups were a big deal to me. That was the first set of supinated-grip chins that I performed after my distal biceps surgery. Trust me, it’s been all I…

Be Your Own Doctor On April 4th of last year, I experienced a nasty injury. It was arm day and I was performing one-arm dumbbell preacher curls. It happened on the third rep of the third set with a 52½-pound dumbbell. As I went to lift the weight, it sounded like a tree branch broke…