Bodywork for Weight Lifters

Every seasoned weight lifter should include bodywork as part of their restoration regimen. Five professionals that I see on a regular basis for bodywork are Vlodek Kluczynski (osteopathic practitioner), Jenna Tabachnick (yoga instructor), Robert Glean (fascial stretch specialist), Mary Tam (massage therapist), and Dr. Angelo Gazze (chiropractor).

I’ve put together a five-part video series to give you a glimpse of what they do. Enjoy!

Osteopathic Treatment

In Part 1, osteopathic practitioner Vlodek Kluczynski discusses the five elements of health and how strength training can make a “dysfunction stronger” without appropriate correction.

Discover a unique mobilization method on a vibrational platform, and learn how a homemade percussive massage tool can switch off muscle hypertonicity to “reset the brain computer”.

You can learn more about Vlodek and his methods at


In Part 2, Jenna Tabachnick discusses four key benefits of yoga for weight lifters. Done right, yoga can help you “lift hard and lift heavy!”

Discover an interesting pose to help open up the thoracic spine (the most “immobile” portion of the spine) along with a way to force relaxation of lateral muscles of the hip.

Learn more about Jenna and her services at

Fascial Stretch Therapy

In Part 3, fascial stretch specialist Robert Glean discusses the importance of muscle integration during therapy (i.e., combining muscle relaxation with movement and stability), and how lengthening tissue can help with growth and overall health.

In the video, we get a glimpse of Fascial Stretch Therapy in action along with a neat device called The Dolphin Neurostim.

Learn more about Robert and his services at


In Part 4, massage therapist Mary Tam discusses compensation patterns that may occur as you lift heavier weights and the importance of having an extra set of eyes to correct these patterns.

Massage can improve your performance in the gym and help you avoid injury. As Mary puts it, “It’s much better to be proactive rather than reactive to your injuries. If we can fix what’s going to cause you problems before it happens, that will be much better!”

Discover how Structural Integration can be useful for weight lifters.

Learn more about Mary and her services at

Chiropractic Treatment

In Part 5, chiropractor Dr. Angelo Gazze discusses the importance of adding a preventative maintenance program to your training regime.

Learn how Muscle Release Therapy (MRT) can help bodybuilders improve their performance and decrease their risk of injury.

Dr. Gazze points out that after you address the muscles around a joint, you should then address the joint itself through a chiropractic adjustment.

Cupping is another modality mentioned that can be used to release any “stagnation” around the muscles.

Check out some of these techniques in action and watch how muscle tension in the forearm “melts” by the end of the treatment.

Learn more about Dr. Gazze and his services at

Take-Home Message: The theme is clear throughout all the videos: Be proactive, not reactive! Get bodywork done on a regular basis. Don’t wait until an injury happens to do it. Go as often as you can afford. Once or twice a month should be doable for most people. Remember the saying, “You either pay now or you pay later!” Regular bodywork will improve your recovery and performance, help prevent injuries, and keep you healthy.

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